
Location of this picture:
Wintam (B)
Author of this picture: Ship Hunters
Extra info on this picture: N/A

Location of this picture:
Wintam (B)
Author of this picture: Ship Hunters
Extra info on this picture: N/A

Administrative data
Technical data
name: Fairland
built: 1975
call sign: J7AR2
IMO nr: 7500762
last update: 31/12/2009
dimensions: 75.69 x 11.80 x 5.40m
capacity: 3653m³ bales/grain
speed: 11.00 kn
Extra info about this vessel:
Sold for scrap after bankruptcy owner Forestry Shipping 12/2009
Curriculum vitae:
Heide Catrin (’75-’91)
Anita (’91-’95)
Clara (’95-’03)
Fortland (’03-’05)