
Location of this picture:
Zeebrugge (B)
Author of this picture: Ship Hunters
Extra info on this picture: N/A

Location of this picture:
Zeebrugge (B)
Author of this picture: Ship Hunters
Extra info on this picture: N/A

Administrative data
Technical data
name: Agenor
built: 2003
call sign: PBJC
IMO nr: 9201970
flag: The Netherlands
last update: 10/01/2009
dimensions: 88.95 x 12.40 x 5.65m
capacity: 4280m³ bales/grain, 108 TEU
speed: 11.00 kn
Extra info about this vessel:
Curriculum vitae:
Hilja Marjan ('03-'05) Westewind ('08-..)