Stena Nautica

Location of this picture:
Ostend (B)
Author of this picture: Leo van Ginderen Collection
Extra info on this picture: picture taken between 1984 -1987 when she was sailing for Sealink

Administrative data
Technical data
name: Stena Nautica
built: 1974
call sign: N/A
IMO nr: 7321661
flag: Belgium

final update: 15/10/2009
dimensions: 124.00 x 21.87 x 5.26m
capacity before modification: 1800 people, 425 cars
capacity after modification: 1678 people, 450 cars
speed: 22.00 kn
Extra info about this vessel:

1977: Renovated at Wilton Fijenoord, Rotterdam (NL), where the ship was raised by 2.3 meters to allow trucks on both the car decks. Stabilizers were welded to her hull to improve stability.

1983: To Antwerp (B) for adaptation to the new traffic. Including the transfer of the side ports of the upper car deck from the port side to starboard side.

2000: Collided with the breakwater at Calais (FR), it was very windy weather when the accident happened and one of the stabilizers was damaged.

2005: Ran aground between Los Cristiana - San Sebastián de La Gomera route. Her engineroom cought severe water damage and she was towed to the port of The Palms.

Scrapped September 2005 in Turkey
Curriculum vitae:
Stena Danica ('74-'81)
Stena Nordica ('81-'84)
Versailles ('87-'92)
Stena Londoner ('92-'96)
Seafrance Monet ('96-'00)
Volcan de Tacande ('00-'05)