Jan D

Location of this picture:
Mediterranean Sea
Author of this picture: Ship Hunters
Extra info on this picture: N/A

Location of this picture:
Mediterranean Sea
Author of this picture: Ship Hunters
Extra info on this picture: N/A

Administrative data
Technical data
name: Jan D
built: 1982
call sign: ZDFU2
IMO nr: 8121032
flag: Gibaltar
last update: 23/01/2010
dimensions: 113.76 x 19.00 x 6.53m
capacity: 445 TEU
reefer plugs: 30
speed: 15.00 kn
Extra info about this vessel:
Curriculum vitae:
Alcyone ('82-'82)
Kastamonu ('82-'85)
Contship Lugano ('85-'85)
Kastamonu ('85-'88)
Alcyone ('88-'92)
Dania ('92-'93)
Nedlloyd Daisy ('93-'94)
Dania ('94-'94)
Maersk Canaris ('94-'99)