VA97M Nordso

Sent feedback.

Photo 1
Author: Ship Hunters collection
Location: Thyboron (DK)
Date: 15/05/2019

Administrative data Technical data
name: VA97M Nordso
built: 2019
call sign: LFIZ
flag: Norway
dimensions: 27.57 x 8.40 m
type: fishing vessel

former name(s): new name(s):
H186AV Slotstein ('19-'19) No known new names

We also have pictures of this vessel under the folowing name(s).
H186AV Slotstein (fishing vessel)

Extra info:
At the end of March 2019 the newbuilding H186AV Slotstein, still being built, was sold.
She is expected to be delivered to her new owners by the shipyard during the summer of 2019.

Converted? This vessel is still the same type as it was built.
Museum? No
Scrapping? Not scrapped on 01/01/2024.
Severely damaged? No