
Sent feedback.

Photo 1
Author: Ship Hunters collection
Location: La Pallice (FR)
Date: 03/07/2018

Administrative data Technical data
name: Esperanza
built: 1984
call sign: PD6464
IMO: 8404599
flag: The Netherlands
dimensions: 72.30 x 14.30 x 4.70 m
type: Greenpeace patrol vessel
capacity: shoot video down: max 300m
drop camera depth: max 1000m
speed: 15.00 kn

former name(s): new name(s):
Vikhr 4 (Soviet Navy) ('84-'98)
Echo Fighter ('98-'02)
No known new names

We also have pictures of this vessel under the folowing name(s).

Extra info:
No known important extra info

Converted? This vessel was converted from naval vessel to patrol ship in the year 2000.
Museum? No
Scrapping? Not scrapped on 26/06/2019.
Casualty? No